Wednesday, February 22, 2012

"Cybelle" The girl who gives it her all!

My Cybelle on her homestead - the ultimate watchdog, and stockdog on cattle

"Cybelle"  is my second Canaan Dog who became apart of my crew back in 2005. She launched a lot of adventures for us from "show" to "working" and continues to be a solid and "effervescent" girl in anything she does. Lately, I feel I have been so involved in my younger crew members with their training and I think Cybelle has, in her way, reminded me to say " Hey what about all the great things I do for you!" And, she is right! She is a great "cow" girl and protector of her land when it comes to predators! 

A few pics from the past with her great work on the chores with the cattle. She is getting ready for this year's herd and I will be depending on her since she knows what to do when managing free-range cattle. Cybelle is following along in the path of a great working dog that we loved - our Maccabee. But this page is about her since she will be monitoring it:-) 

Cybelle driving the herd
picking up a stray calf to bring back to the herd

gate work - nice!
Driving mode to the next graze zone
Keeping them in line at the gate - Cybelle is such a big help!
rounding the herd up to drive them to the next graze
Cybelle works a bossy girl

Cybelle always on alert and  looking after her kingdom as she always does:-)

I had to include a few "baby photos" of Miss Cybelle who we refer to as the "Bibs" . Her "Bibs" nickname evolved from a friend who called her "Cyb-a -bibbly" because she was  such a "bubbly girl and still is!

A Baby Photo of the fabulous Miss Cybelle who was super-confident even at 10 wks old:-)

Our Macc keeping watch over the young "Bibs"

1 comment:

  1. Congrats on joining the blogging culture! It's a great way to share and journal! Cybelle's puppy picture is adorable.


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